Found some information about Bahrain while surfing on the internet.

The map of Bahrain

The Flag
BAHRAIN INFORMATION AND HISTORYBahrain consists of 33 islands in the Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf). The islands are mostly desert, and most of the population lives in or near Manama, the Capital City. Since the 1930s the oil industry has replaced pearl diving, and Bahrain has become a financial and communications hub. It is connected to Saudi Arabia by the 26-kilometer (16 mile) King Fahd Causeway. Since independence from Britain in 1971, there has been conflict between the ruling Sunni tribe and the Shiite majority. A new constitution in 2002 provided for an elected parliament and gave women the right to vote and stand as candidates.
ECONOMYIndustry: petroleum processing and refining, aluminum smelting, offshore banking, ship repairing, tourism.
Agriculture: fruit, vegetables; poultry; shrimp.
Exports: petroleum and petroleum products, aluminum, textile
GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy
KING: Hamad ibn Isa Al-Khalifah
PRIME MINISTER: Khalifah Ibn sulman Al KhalifahLand area: 239 sq mi (619 sq km);
total area: 257 sq mi (665 sq km)
Population (2008 est.): 718,306 (growth rate: 1.3%); birth rate: 17.2/1000; infant mortality rate: 15.6/1000; life expectancy: 74.9; density per sq mi: 1,080
Capital and Largest City (2003 est.): Al-Manámah, 527,000 (metro area), 149,900 (city proper)
26°13′N, 50°35′EMonetary Unit: Bahrain Dinar (BHD)
Languages: Arabic, English, Farsi, Urdu
Ethnicity/Race: Bahraini 62.4%, non-Bahraini 37.6% (2001)
Religion: Islam (Shiite and Sunni) 81%, Christian 9%
National Holiday: National Day, December 16
Literacy Rate: 89% (2003 est.)
Time Zone: UTC+3
Internet TLD: .bh
Code: +973