While reading my KIMCHI entry, it reminded me of the first informal cooking class i had here. It was indeed one very productive week for NND, NUP, myself and the Chef in Charge, Cikgu Zaimah.
It was the first week of May, if i can still recall, when Cikgu Zaimah's husband went back to Malaysia to check on their elder children. I told her that i was craving for kueh seri muka. So she came to our place and showed us her skills. Coming from a mom of six, obviously, cooking of any kind of food is simply kacang putih for her.
She taught us how to make the crunchy and tasty karipap on the first day followed by my favorite kueh seri muka on the second. By the end of the week, wallaaa, we were the most wanted chefs in town! We were the experts for talam kacang merah, pulot kuning with rendang ayam, opor daging, sambal telor and also the unforgettable talam berlauk, to name a few.
I got carried away by making myself busy in the kitchen, alone, the following weeks. And the results were quite impressive. I had to agree that cooking is in fact, like mathematics; the more you practice, the better you are at it.
To Cikgu Zaimah, who will not be here when i return from summer holidays, i will surely miss you. Thank you for being a friend. You are, in fact, one of a kind.