It is husband's birthday and as usual, i tried to have a cake for him, the least. So, this time around i had no choice but to walk to the nearest supermarket, Aswaq al-Awafi located about 800metres from our flat. I didnt mind the walking, really, but to walk under the very hot sun of 40celcius with KT in my hand, was a bit of a challenge.
Anyway, we made it to the supermarket within 15 minutes, bargained a BD10 cake to only BD7, grabbed a few other stuffs that were not in the shopping list (hehe, standard-lah kan?) and while wondering how on earth we could make it home, there was Cikgu Zaimah, for a resque! It was indeed a good-honda-accord ride home! I immediately hide the 2-kg fruit cake under the boys' bed praying hard that no single soul would find it especially the small tiny insects. Ahah, a surprise birthday cake was on its way, i thought.
So, husband came home at around 330pm and we had lunch as normal. I prayed again that little KT would not kompang that there was something edible hiding underneath the bed. It was almost 10pm when everyone was ready to go to bed when i quietly went into the boys' room, took the cake out, lit a few candles up, had the children with me and made our way to the living hall where husband was watching his favorite History Channel on OrbitTV.
"Happy Birthday to youuuuu"
"Happy Birthday to youuuuu"
"Happy Birthday to you, abahhhhh"
"Happy Birthday to youuuuuu"
We sang our heart out and i swear, it pitched right.
Husband placed the cake on the dining table, and let KT did the honour of blowing the candles off , cut the cake and thanked us all. Honestly, the cake tasted so-so but the fruits were superb! As everyone was enjoying the cake, husband, with his very selamba look made an announcement;
"Sebenarnya, saya dah nampak awak sorok kek ni kat bawah katil tadi", husband
"Eh, bila? macamana?", me, tak puas hati
"Tadi tu masa saya cari adik (KT), dan awak cakap dia kat dalam bilik!", husband
There went a day's hard work!
Sejak bila pulak kita cari anak kat bawah katil niii??? Benci tauuu!!!
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