Pejam celik pejam celik, hari ni genap 2 bulan the kids and myself balik cuti2 malaysia. Lama dah husband dan Manama City di tinggalkan rupanya. Kalau dulu husband dengan kekwat-nya cakap "yay! merdeka!" bila kami nak tinggalkan dia, tapi pelik ya, merdekanya orang itu sampai hampir tiap malam handset kat rumah ni berdering. Tak cukup dengan YM, Skype, siap ber-webcam session lagi.
Walaupun kami sibuk berseronok dan berpoya2 di sini Yang, for your information, we remember you every single minute of our awake time tawww...
And now, we (or is it me?) are counting days before he sets his feet di bumi bertuah ini semula. Just another 2 weeks to go!
Actually this is not the first time for us (the kids and myself) to be away from husband. Yang peliknya setiap kali i became pregnant, his employer would send him overseas. While i was having KS in my tummy, he was sent to the USA for almost two weeks. Gabra jugak sebab masa tu i was almost in my 35th week of pregnancy. Luckily nothing happened. He was then sent to Dubai and Japan while KA started kicking and crawling in my uterus. And surprisingly, again, while i was having KT, he was sent to India, and this time, not for a few weeks, but for a few years!!
And i didnt think twice but to agree to go along with him when he accepted the Bahrain offer. Simply because, i cant handle the children on my own, even with bibik around. It would be a bit different if the children are a little grown up. But not when they are still small. No way.
Going back in 2005, i had to discuss with my O&G on the best time to induce the baby. I had to make sure that husband was around when the girl comes out to see the world. And the first 2 weeks was a blast. Yelah first time dapat anak pompuan kan. Gayat. But the moment husband left us for India again, things started to be tunggang terbalik. On the third week of confinement, little KT started to make noises. She cried days and nights. She could really go on and on for hours. Luckily i had my mom and bibik looking after us. We would take turns to give our best shots to console the baby. And lucky me to have such good sibblings, neighbors and friends who would also come to give a helping hand. Cakap ajalah mana aja ustaz yang boleh bantu, we would find the way to find them. Kalau setakat air jampi, memang penuh satu rumah -- untuk diminum, di buat mandi, di sapu ke muka, semuanya ada.
Oh, pokok ceri tu sangat rendang --- the neighbors came and chopped them off.
Oh, dia tak cukup susu badan nih --- sampai ke Bangi aku pergi berurut!
Oh, pokok beringin tu dah naik ke dinding --- we cleared them up.
Oh, dia nak berbuai sokmo tak? --- we searched high and low for that fancy electronically operated buai-an
Oh, baby ni rindukan abah-nya tak? --- *gulp*
And the boys (KS and KA), started to act weirdly too. KS was eight and KA was 5 back then. It was ramadhan and KS who completed his puasa since he was 6, started to complaint this and that. Almost every single day he would contemplate to discontinue his puasa.
Letih lah ma, panas sangatlah, sejuk sangatlah, tak tahanlah..
Tak larat sangat nih.. lamanya lagi nak tunggu lagi 1 jam
Tanak puasalah sebab baby pun tak puasa! (referring to KT who was about 1mth old!)KA was even worse. Pantang silap, mulalah menjerit2 terlolong2. Should bibik wanted to hold or came near the baby, he would scream and push bibik away. Kalau di marah, siaplah, melalak2 sampai terkencing2 dalam seluar. Kalau nak di pujuk, bukannya senang. Hulur dulu duit warna merah dua tiga keping! Arghhh...
Rasa nak aja ku picit2 budak2 bertuah nih.
When one of the ustazs from DarusShifa' came, we asked him to "jampi" all the four of us!
It took almost a year for little KT to recover from her colic. And now, at the age of 3, she is one sweet girl who at times can really act like a 21 year old adult.
Would i consider another bundle of joy? I'll just have to wait for husband to come home, to discuss! ;P