After much persuasions or precisely, threats (tak boleh main internet games, limited PS and G/Boy hours, no swimming pool, an absolute ban of mee sedap etc etc), both KS and KA, are now back in school. Husband and myself may sound kiasu but 3 1/2 months is way too long for a school break, dont you think?
Not that i didnt try to bermuzakarah with them both, but, of no use. They simply said NO when i first mentioned about this "sekolah tumpang" thingy. But when i told them betapa susahnya mama pujuk the Pengetua Sekolah, lepas tu terpaksa merayau satu Kajang dan Bangi semata2 nak cari buku2 teks, pulak spent an amount equivalent to a month of bibik's salary just to buy their basic uniforms, shoes, bags, stationery etc -- di tambah pulak dengan segala mala threats yang tidak masuk akal seperti di atas, akhirnya, terpaksa jugaklah mereka akur. Tak sesio den ambik psychology I and II kek skulah dulu kan..
After-all, the school is just a few steps away from our house. Pendek kata, kalau 10 minit sebelum loceng sekolah berbunyi pun masih sempat bangun, mandi ala kadar, get dressed and within seconds, there you are, depan pintu sekolah - in time. Hassle free, so to speak.
Honestly, i am not that worried with KS. Track record confirms that he enjoys going to school. And he is very lucky to have a bunch of buddies for a moral support. Just imagine, when he was getting ready for school at 7am on the 1st day, some of his closest friends are already in our driveway waiting to accompany him. Siap nak tolong bawakkan beg sekolah lagi. Waahhh... ada tokoh jadi politician gitu. But, being a committed parent that i am, ahem, i hantar jugaklah dia ke sekolah dan tunggu sampai habis assembly to ensure a smooth 1st day of school. Sempat pulak tu pekena sepiring nasi lemak dengan teh tarik kat kantin sekolah. Multi-tasking, remember?
KA, however, is in the afternoon session. Again, tersengih2 pak guard sekolah tengok i pegang tangan anak masuk pintu sekolah semula that noon. Borang pelawat pun dah tak payah isi. Since KA does have that many friends of his age (selalunya mingle with KS's friends only), i had to make sure he is in a classroom with at least, a familiar face. Kudos to the Pengetua and Penolong Kanan HEP of SKBTK for being so cooperative and understanding. Dahlah sanggup tumpangkan the boys until Aidilfitri, siap izinkan pilih mana2 kelas yang kami berkenan pulak tu. Jasamu di kenang cikgu!
So, we just hope that for the next couple of months, they will have something meaningful to do besides playing games, games, and games. Not that we want to torture them with books and homework; we just want them to have fun in school, interacting with real people, real world, that's all.
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