"kita order pizza aja dah lah malam nanti, nanti weekend baru kita gi makan luar ya!", husband told me.
"okay boss", i said.
Although a pizza was not a bad idea, i have always associated birthdays with cakes. And it got me thinking, yang busynya dah tentu-lah diorang kan?. Tapi mama kat rumah ni? After struggling a couple of hours in the kitchen, maka terhasillah;
Not as moist as expected but still okay according to my taste buds.
Manalah tau si kecik terbau keharuman yang agak luar biasa dari dapur.
Takkan nak cakap it came from the neighbors pulak kan?
Kok yo pun nak menipu!
I asked KS and KT to pass some cupcakes and nasi tomato to NND (neighbor next door) and guess what we received in return after 20 minutes??
(Rupa2nya KT sempat canang kat NND that it was KA birthday, bertuah betul)
And do you really wanna see how i decorated KA's birthday cake that evening? Hey tak sangka ada bakat seni jugak dak-wan nih ehhh. Amatur sesangat-lah tapinya!
So i placed some ripe strawberry on the cake to add some color.
One birthday cake for KA coming thru...
And at around 915pm on 3rd Nov 2008;
Happy Birthday to Angah
Happy Birthday to you.
dan raga sebab nak jugak tiup lilin!!
Didnt i tell you about her obsession towards birthday cakes?
Happy Birthday to youuu,
Happy Birthday to KT
Happy Bithdayyyy to youuuu!
My precious...
Mama loves you soooo much. Dont grow up so fast, okay?
salam ukhwah. tahnx singgah ke blog saya. anyway, dakwan ni anak sapa ye kat hutan percha tu? saya ni pun tak berapa kenal sgt org sini, cuma kenal beberapa org saja. anyway this is my ym id: misahmy :)
dear misah
thanks for visiting my blog too. ooo awak menantu org hutan percha kan mestilah tak kenal ramai org sana.
as for k wan sendiri, i was born and raised in hutan percha! bayang kan..
rumah my parents kat depan klinik or precisely, depan taman rekreasi tu.. senang2 singgah la sana. kenal2 ngan my mom. ada sorang kakak n her family tinggal ngan dia.
u neighbor salimah md sah kan? she was my classmate kat sekolah rendah dulu. tapi sejak form 1, kak wan dah merantau masuk asrama di KL sampai la la ni tak habih2 merantau.
tq for d id
Salam Dak Wan
I hope its not too late to wish you Happy New Year! May the year brings more rezqi, joy, happiness and good health to you and family.
Dear Waterlily
Thank you for your beautiful words. The same prayer goes to you and family too.
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