Friday, January 9, 2009


Actually since the past 3 months or so banyak sangat benda2 yang berlaku tapi semuanya tak sempat nak di update dalam blog. Bila busy, dah tentulah takda masa nak menulis panjang2. Bila free pulak, laptop buat hal. Blogger pun masa ni la nak meragam, asal tulih new entry tak boleh nak save, aiiyaaahhh hangen satu badan akak tauuu. Dahlah kita ni set2 yang mudah panas hati..hahaha, maka dengan itu ku tinggalkan la blog ni sementara waktu walaupun hatiku amatlah sedih melihat blog sendiri yang berkonsep ala suam-suam kuku ni. Mentelah pulak dah janji nak upload gambar2 raya (aiiyoohh matilah dah basi) kat sorang bes fren yang dah lama tak beraya di malaya tuuuu.. Sungguh la terpanggilnya~

Anyway, when Naftalena (my non-breathing laptop tu laa, just in case you didnt get the message) fell sick, we (the children and i) memang la dapat kebenaran nak pakai laptop husband with some restrictions to the kids such as takleh download apa2, limited hours, kena pakai own mouse and not abah's wireless one and etc etc.

But you see, using someone else's harta is such a difficult thing to do. Especially when you are not so used to it. It is like using someone else's toilet. It may be spotless, shiny and all, but, you only do your "business" there whenever you really HAD to. Short and fast. No feeling2 one-lahh so to speak. Isnt that funny when we can get so attached with non-living things too, kan?

So takpalah, dah tertulis yang si naftalena tu tak berapa panjang umurnya. No talian hayat whatsoever. Takdo joki nak buek camno kan? Nak di repair, lebih baik beli baru katanyanya. So, redha aja lah. BUT, that does not mean that i am all happy when it's gone. TIDAK sama sekali. Nak menangis dibuatnya especially bila teringat that most of my photos are kept there in the hard disk. Luckily i managed to trace a small percentage of them from the my kids pendrives and also blogger/picasa web album. Syukur, alhamdulillah.

So, from now on, wahai para sahabat handai taulan, please bear with me if an excessive amount of photos being uploaded here, in this humble blog. This is the best storage that i can think of, for the moment, besides the multiple copies made in the internal and external hard discs. Someone must have learned a lesson.

I really hope that i could write some of the important events happened to me since the past 3 months and they include;

1) Aidilfitri 1429
2) KT fractured hand
3) Aidiladha 1429
4) Some other events worth sharing..

Till later, adiozzzzz!


msmitchie said...

Tsk tsk I thought Naftalena tu your niece. Haha Tipah tertipu bang. Nice analogy w the toilet tu.
Wan, bila your b'day/wedding anni? Bolehla wish satu laptop kan kan! I just got one for Zuleikha's b'day. Best anak punya b'day Mommy dpt present. Haha. Actually cum working machine tu.
Updatela cepat² Wan. Jgn biar your blog cam gurun pulak. Hehe

dak wan said...

mitchie dear

syok nya befdey anak, mak pulak yang dapat hadiah ek..:)

i've got one already, setelah bermuzakarah anak beranak..hehe

cant spend much on entertainment la mid, kena ingat2 la jugak ekonomi tak selalu cerah kan kan