Tolong jangan muntah kalau mulai hari ni korang asek nampak gambar2 kueh bertatahkan pulot membanjiri blogspot dakwan ni. Why? i tell you why.....not that someone is going to marry a sakai in the month of july! BIG NO! its just that a few months back, ada orang tu dengan semangat wajanya telah menghijack an oriental store lalu dengan taiming badaknya (as per Ain's description of sombong), telah membeli 2kg beras pulot tapi sampai semalam tak berusik. Boleh? So, sebelum polis kat rumah ni buat spot check and pot pet pot pet on why food items in d house are not utilised wisely, baiklah ahkak merajinkan diri mencari idea of what to do with d said beras pulot. HUGE thanks to my fesbuk friends yang memberi banyak idea bernas on what to do with the pulot! You guys rock!
So, terimalahhhh.....

Tahniah dakwan! One cup of glutinous rice dah susut
because of this Serikaya Pulot. Ala2 serimuka tapi layer
atas tu pakai gula merah. Not bad at all.
Resepinya satgi ahkak tempek yerr!