Husband turns 39 today. Nothing gempak or fancy, just a birthday cake and a simple meal to celebrate one of the special dates in our family's calendar. But it sure comes with lots of love and prayers from all of us at home.
Happy Birthday darling Husband and Abah!

The chocolate moist cake personally made and delivered
by a dear multi-talented friend. Looks good, tastes great!

Husband was hinting nak makan nasi tomato the previous days.
So, I took a little effort to transform it into a reality.
Hope you liked it dear. Bukan susah pun, kadang2
penyakit M tu amat ketara jahatnya!

Right after meal, acara kemuncak pun tiba.
Mari makan kek! Takyah lilin pun takpa,
tapi biasalah si kecik tu punyalah tak puashati kalau lilin takda!

We are so blessed to have you in our life.
Thank you Allah.

Senyum sikit! more time. Klik! Klik!
Kalau tak cantik takpa, kita delete je, digital maaa..

I just cant have enough of you lah, Abi.
Eh Abahlah, Abi larr. Aboh, wehhh!

Perasan betul budak sorang tu.
Tu feeling2 birthday sendiri lah tu!

Amboih tak habis lagi sengih2 tu.
Mesti ada apa2!

Amboih si Abah pun, kemain lagi moral supportnya!
Bilo nak potong kek nihh??

What?? Nyanyi lagi sekali?

Happy Birthdayyy to Abahhhh
Happy Birthdayyy to youuu!

Hihihihi kelaka kan kita?

Okayyy sebenarnya adik pun nak gak tiup!
Itu-lah matlamat sebenarnya!

Huh! Mission Accomplished!
Lepas ni birthday sapa pulak saya nak hijack nih!
Cute betol si Tasneem ni...
Kisses from aunty Zura.
Aiyoh. thank you aunty! tapi mana boley lawan sis ariana and sophie!!
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