That's right. My dear KS is officially twelve years old today. Time flies real fast these days, rasa macam baru saja semalam lahirkan dia di SMC, Shah Alam. Since his birthday this year falls on a weekend, we made an arrangement to have lunch outside. He insisted on Japanese food in the beginning but decided to switch to chinese instead, at the very last minutes considering other family members who are not so keen on his interest. Talking about someone getting a year older and wiser! :)
So off we went to Al-Abraj Restaurant, located in Busaiteen for that special birthday treat for him.

Marhaba to Al-Abraj!
This is actually an Arabian restaurant but comes with
some international selections as well.

We took some time skimming through the menu
as everything looks so tempting to us.

I decided to go against norm when ordered the waiter to send
us the dessert first. I took out the candles and lighter out of
my handbag and quickly lit the candles and had them blown off by KS.

Should have ordered a larger portion of this exquisite
hot chocolate cake served with vanilla flavored ice cream.
It vanished within seconds.

Happy 12th birthday sweetheart.
Moga jadi anak yang soleh dan contoh kepada adik2.
We love you so much!

I dont think I need to elaborate further on this photo, do I? ;)

Doesnt this Sizzling Beef look appealing to you?
It sure does to us. Dimakan bersama nasi putih.
Berasap2 dan menggelegak lagi, uolls!!

The Black Pepper Beef, one of our favorites.
Simply delicious!

This photo doesnt do justice to the Manchurian Chicken.
The sauce is a little bit sour to my taste but the chicken
was so tender and juicy that we had to lick away
the whole bowl.

We ordered this grilled chicken just in case little KT
tak tahan pedas. Adoih, kami pulak yang tak tahan melihatnya.

Kami tengah busy ni, jangan kacau boleh tak??
Elehhh...eksyen betul these taurians.
These are a few photos of the restaurant that i managed to snap before the battery went kaput. Arghhh!!! Geramnya!! I will snap more when feel like Abraj-ing again, okay? I promise!

The glass ceiling of the restaurant from where i was sitting.

Not bad jugak kan the ID?
Look at the round thingy on the ceiling.
Lampunya berkelip-kelip in various shapes and colors uolls!
Ala-ala glow in the dark gitew!

Another ceiling at the entrance.
I just love the wood paneling they have it here.

The family entrance, they call it.
I dont recall seeing another entrance door, however.

Al-Abraj Restaurant Busaiteen, view from outside.
You come here lorrrr.... I'll show you more!
Happy birthday Shaheed!
Thank you very much Aunty. Hope can gang up with your boys in the near future.
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