Saturday, May 23, 2009


NND dah selamat sampai dari Madinah semalam and my daughter, KT, has a brand new "toy" to play with!


msmitchie said...

Wan, KS ni anak you yg mane pulak.
Cantik la gambar² tangan cam hand model pulak. Hehe Ni kalau ade budak sorang ni nampak sure nak jugak.

dak wan said...

Eh Mid. thanks for your comment, tak perasan pulak ada typo error kat situ. it should be read as KT and not KS! ahahaha...i ve just edited it harap2 takda org lain gelak!

sekrang inai dah senang pakai kan, dalam tube segala...just squeze sesuka hati. zaman kita dulu, suma nak kena tumbuk dulu...nak merah lagi tambah gambir la, nasi la...mcm2! dah tu orang tua2 cakap kalau pakai inai tak boleh tunjuk kat ayam, nanti terus tak merah! hadoiii mcm2!!

samalah KS n your Zuleikha, both mommies depa tak pakai nails polisher, so terpaksa satisfy with just inai je la kan kan.. :))

msmitchie said...

No prob Wan. :-) Just remember her real name, so tht was why I was wondering.
Zuleikha now is giving me beauty tips. I should put on pink lipstick so I would look nice. Arghhh pink. Told her tht her daddy wouldn't kiss me if I do, so when he came, she was pestering him. Haha.
I hope she wouldn't be too ashame to walk w her not groomed Mommy when she is bigger.