Wednesday, June 4, 2008


It is amazing to realize that;

  1. I have been living in Bahrain for 7 odd months! and beginning to like it even more..
  2. I am now a FULLTIME housewife taking charge of my 3 very demanding children, without bibik! help!
  3. Got myself a Bahraini driving license yesterday but, havent got the guts to drive as yet, takots!
  4. The kids have upgraded me from being in their "Top 10 chefs" list to "Top 5" now, with their nenek Melaka and bibik Win still on top of the list! elehh, as if they have the choice, kan?
  5. There are people who read my blog, walaupun kunjungan balas, tapi sangat2 bermakna.
  6. It is only 3 weeks more before the kids and myself balik cuti2 malaysia, yehaa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kak wan oiiii
satay kajang celah bedah mana pulak kak HAHHAHAHHA

best tak duduk bahrain? sana panas ke sejuk skang?